The Medical College in Prague 5, located in Duškova Street 7, currently offers university education in medical study programmes for General Nursing, Midwifery,
Paramedic Science and Physiotherapy (Nursing and Paramedicine study programmes are also offered as part-time courses). The College reacts to the changes in requirements
for the education of paramedical staff stated in law MZ ČR Nr. 96/2004.
The education corresponds with EU guidelines and the degrees are recognized by all countries in the European Union. The study programmes are designed according to WHO and EU
requirements and work according to the demands on these professions in EU countries. After passing the state exam and an oral defence of their diploma thesis, graduates receive
a bachelor's degree (Bc.). Individual subjects are organized in modules in study programmes and are allotted credits according to the European Credit Transfer System.
The Study programmes have all the attributes of modern healthcare, including an interdisciplinary and multiprofessional character. Programmes shift focus from a healthy
individual to an ill individual, with an emphasis on biopsychological aspects, to improve analytical skills. Students are encouraged to make independent decisions supported by
theoretical and practical knowledge and experience. Lessons are based on modern trends in these disciplines. Practical training makes up more than 50 % of lessons.
Our College is equipped for theoretical and practical lessons for all study programmes with specialized classrooms, theoretical classrooms, a lecture room, an IT room, a language
laboratory, lessons dedicated to self-defence, and a library with a wide range of technical literature.
A great emphasis is put on practical training through which direct contact between students and their future profession is arranged.
Admission requirements for foreign students:
- Officially certified copy of a document certifying completion of secondary education
- Certificate of proficiency in Czech – B2
- Medical assessment allowing the individual to perform the job
- Health insurance according to the up-to-date legislation
Study of foreign students:
- Study programmes are taught in Czech. For students participating in the Erasmus+ programme, there are prepared materials for theoretical teaching in the framework of Blended-Learning (eLearning), consultations and exams in English. Practical exercises possible in English.
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